Monday, October 09, 2006

Pulling My Leg

I've been looking at artificial limbs on the internet, but there's a problem. None of them come with any hair.

My right leg is pretty hirsute, so how on earth am I going to get anything to match? I often toddle down to the beach for a bit of a paddle in the summer, roll my trouser legs up, dip my toe in. How's it going to look with one smooth leg, and the other looking like a gorilla's forearm? And please don't tell me I'm going to have to start waxing.


At 1:37 pm, Blogger Lucy Mail said...

Seems like you have plenty enough beard to spare a bit for your leg.
Or perhaps you could shave your pussy?

At 12:26 pm, Blogger The Angina Monologues said...

I've already used those to craft myself a new mirkin, I'm afraid.


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