Spearmint Rhino
One of the worst things about this electric 'Rhino' buggy thing that I get around in these days is all the chewing gum that collects on the wheels. I've tried everything to get it off, but nothing seems to work. At least it's not as stomach churning as when I accidentally run over one of those dogpiles that are everywhere.
Looks like it's just me and the Rhino for Christmas. Like every good parent, I started badgering the young 'uns with the odd hint back in May, but so far the invite to Oz hasn't arrived. Maybe Ted and Janet will be kind enough to take me in, as long as there's not shit on my wheels.
Have you tried sticking it on the bedpost over night. The chewing gum ,that is.
Some younger bloggers might not get that.
Yes but it always loses its flavour.
And curiously, my old man was a dustman.
Maybe Weed will know all about the Daisey Roots then.
Im off down the Rock Island Line
I hear it's a mighty fine line.
If you got enough gum on your tyres, I'm sure it would make your ride a little wrigley.
Merry Christmas Wrinkley Rozzer.
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